Must play horror games on steam
Must play horror games on steam

  1. #Must play horror games on steam Pc
  2. #Must play horror games on steam crack

We hope that Konami will re-consider reviving all of their Silent Hill games on both Steam and GOG in the foreseeable future. Thanks to GOG’s efforts, the game has been resurrected from its abandonware hell. Silent Hill 4: The Roomĭespite being inferior to previous instalments in the series, Silent Hill 4 is worth the shot. The developers have put an emphasis on that gameplay mechanic as it conveys a sense of realism as you room the surroundings filled with homeless people. Guns and ammo are scarce, so your way to survive is by learning the combat mechanics. One thing that sets Condemned apart from F.E.A.R is the emphasis on melee combat.

#Must play horror games on steam crack

People that just want to crack his skull and move on.įans of the genre will find themselves immersed in this masterpiece as it contains one of the scariest environments ever created. Police are looking for him, and the only way to solve that case is to find the murderer responsible for turning his life upside down.Įthan Thomas will traverse through the darkest areas of the city, and encounter the craziest people he’ll ever meet in his life. You take on the role of an FBI agent framed for a murder he didn’t commit. Condemned: Criminal Originsĭeveloped by the same team that made the first F.E.A.R game, Condemned is a psychological horror first-person experience that you’ll cherish for the rest of your life. Meanwhile, the second game (Ties that Bind) has zero issues. Thankfully, you can easily solve this by checking the GOG forum.

must play horror games on steam

The first Suffering runs on nearly everything, however, beware that the first entry suffers from some game-breaking issues. The second game leaves you yearning for more of Torque’s action, but with Midway Games gone and Warner Bros possessing the rights, I doubt that fans of the genre will get the third game. However, the downside of this franchise, to me, is that it feels unfinished. Memories of the past are haunting him, grotesque creatures appear from every corner, and the only way to survive is to shoot yourself throughout the traumatic experience.įans of Dead Space and Resident Evil 4 will feel right at home when playing The Suffering franchise. Not because of its over-the-top gunplay action, but because of the uncanny atmosphere that surrounds Torque whenever he goes. The Suffering is one of the closest games to Silent Hill in my book. The Suffering Franchiseįranchise: The Suffering & The Suffering: Ties That Bind The way how enemies react to your actions will certainly shock you. Meaning, they can flank you, break into rooms to shoot you, throw grenades, stealth behind you, and more. Instead of just taking the cover as every typical AI, enemies in F.E.A.R are close to reality. The best thing about this franchise is its clever AI that will never cease to amaze you. Despite the games sharing different objectives, they all have the same goal, stop Alma Wade before she destroys the entire world. Meanwhile, the 2nd game sees you playing as Michael Becket, a member of the Delta Force. Story-wise, the first and third game has you playing as a silent member of F.E.A.R (First Encounter Assault Recon). While the graphics may not hold up still to today’s standards, the control’s fluidity and the visual effects still make these games recommended to play.

must play horror games on steam

It’s incredible how a game such as F.E.A.R manages to stand the test of time among other titles such as The Chronicles of Riddick and DOOM 3. Publisher: Warner Bros Interactive Entertainmentį.E.A.R is the ultimate definition of how age has no impact on a game if it’s excellently crafted.

must play horror games on steam

#Must play horror games on steam Pc

Alan Wake and the DLC are great horror video games, and if you’re reading this using a potato PC stick with the original as the remastered may not work very well, but you’re free to try anyway. Light is also your resort whenever you’re low on health as it heals you up. An over-the-top action third-person shooter that sees you encountering shadows that are weak against the power of light. The gameplay is pretty similar to the likes of Silent Hill: Downpour, and Dead Space. Thankfully, Alan possesses the means and skills to outwit any danger that assails him. Alan will experience abnormal sceneries and strange shadows that’ll haunt him throughout the game. The game puts you in the shoes of the best-selling thriller novelist Alan Wake as he ventures into an investigation to uncover the obscure reason behind his wife’s sudden disappearance. Despite not being too scary, the game has its moments where it manages to scare the crap out of you.

must play horror games on steam

  • 20 FATAL FRAME / PROJECT ZERO: Maiden of Black Waterįranchise: Alan Wake & Alan Wake’s American Nightmareīrought to you by the minds behind Max Payne, Alan Wake is almost on the same level of epicness as the aforementioned.

  • Must play horror games on steam